Wondering what's fashionable, hot
and new for Halloween '92? Well, if you're a real kid, think Catwoman, Batman
and Penguin, Beauty and the Beast and 101 Dalmatians. Don't think plastic. It's
cheap. You don't like it.
If you're a grownup kid, think Catwoman, Batman,
Penguin. Skip the Dalmatians, try a black-and-white cow with nipples. Do think
plastic. The kind that pays for things.
Making an impression on Halloween
night doesn't come cheap!
Masquerading as Catwoman in a rented stretch vinyl
catsuit will set you back $ 150, whip included. Doing a Batman or Penguin turn
will cost you $ 125 and parading as members of the Simpson or Addams families $
100. By contrast, preening as Marie Antoinette is a bargain at $ 60.
are willing to spend the money because they want to surprise their friends and
impress other people," said Therese Caissie, a dresser at Ponton, which has more
than 10,000 rental costumes crammed into its three-storey quarters on St.
Francois Xavier St. in Old Montreal.
"Some dress up and go to bars but mostly
there are parties or balls involved. And this year we know of two weddings
taking place on Halloween with everyone wearing period dress
Adults are the biggest kids
Ponton has a few costumes to rent
to children but most of their clientele is adult.
"We find adults are the
biggest kids and Halloween is our biggest time of the year," Caissie said.
the House of Costumes on Ontario St. E., the 2,000 rental costumes include the
current favorites but "the first to go are doll and baby costumes for women,"
said costume-maker Marie-Josee Savoie.
The newest selections at Decor Festa
are Uncle George, a clown character on French-language television, and the
ubiquitous black- and-white cow costume.
"All our 800 costumes are made of
fabric. You get plastic at Jean Coutu," salesgirl Paulette Gariepy said.
young set can buy fabric costumes at Toys R Us in the Bazaar Shopping Centre on
Cote Vertu for $ 14 to $ 29.95, including the Batman gang, 101 Dalmatians,
Beauty and the Beast and Star Trek characters.
"We have a few plastic
costumes but the kids want the newest things and they like having a 'real'
costume," a salesgirl said.
Raiding is out of fashion
At Oink Oink on
Greene Ave. in Westmount, fabric costumes for children aged 2 to 14 include a
Dalmatian dog for $ 19.95, a satin clown suit for $ 70 and Little Bo Peep and
Cinderella for about $ 36.
Raiding parents' closets or family costume boxes
for Halloween getups seems to have gone out of fashion with most children, but
Oink Oink still offers them the opportunity to create their own costumes from
tutus, capes, pirate hats and patches.
"A lot of younger kids still like to
create their own costumes. Teenagers prefer to buy a complete package, although
they may individualize it with accessories," Gano said.
Oink Oink also stocks
Halloween costumes for adults, the newest being the nippled black-and-white cow
for $ 36.
At Johnny Brown's on Peel St., the newest costumes for sale include
the Three Musketeers, $ 79.95, and a cardinal's outfit for $ 89.95. Superman is
yours for $ 74.95, Superwoman for $ 69.50, and the new Batman for $ 106.95.
Catwoman-type catsuits in lightweight fabric cost $ 49.95.
Whips are extra.
But like the costumes, they're yours to keep forever.
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