her new catsuit latex


    Blonde babe Pamela Anderson has always been up front about where her talents lie.
     And now the former Baywatch star is trying to boost her career by boosting her boobs - again.
     Pam looked as if she had gone up a good few bra sizes when she appeared in a bright pink figure-hugging catsuit during filming of her new television series, VIP.
     In the show due to be shown in Britain later this year, she plays a Jaguar- driving private eye going undercover to crack crime in Los Angeles.
     So if the latex catsuit is her idea of going under cover - what's she going to do to get noticed?
     One possibility was the T-shirt she was wearing when she stopped off in London yesterday.
     The word "Girl" was emblazoned across her expanding chest - as if anyone was in any doubt about her gender.
     Pamela stepped from her Virgin Atlantic flight in the middle of a group of half a dozen minders and assistants.
     Wearing tight blue jeans, she said she didn't plan to stay for long.  She added: "I'm on my way to Germany. I'm going to launch my new TV show, VIP."
     At Heathrow, the airline naturally made sure Pamela received VIP treatment. She was escorted from the jet to a luxury lounge, where she waited for her onward flight.
     The star stayed silent about estranged husband Tommy Lee, latex stockings, who was released this week after being jailed for battering her. But she said recently she still loves him.
     Pamela was travelling without children Brandon and baby Dylan.
     But luckily, she showed off her other two prize assets.

Par pvccorsets le mercredi 06 juillet 2011


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