Catsuits cast in bronze and gold


    KARL Lagerfeld, the creator of the high-fashion catsuit, has now cast it in bronze and gold. At the show of his own-label line in Paris yesterday, he set out to prove that a woman can wear anything, however
    skimpy and sheer, as long as it is slipped over a second skin of metallic gold.
    From the first colourful coats that reverse from shocking pink to red or red to yellow, through to the gossamer drapes of black chiffon for evening, the new Lagerfeld line is worn over high-necked or low-scooped catsuits that look as though every curve of the body is painted in metallic bronze, silver or gold. The theme music was, latex uniforms, of course, from the James Bond film Goldfinger.
    As well as being a prolific and talented designer, Karl Lagerfeld is a masterly showman. He has already rejuvenated the classic Chanel jacket by dispensing with the matching skirt and showing it worn over leggings alone. The theatrical impact of his shimmering Goldfinger catsuits is not lost on the designer, who has been working concurrently on more than 100 costumes for the Puccini opera La Rondine (The Swallow), which opens in Monte Carlo on Wednesday.
    However, there is more to the new Lagerfeld collection than just gold bodysuits. His new curvy jackets are worn over skirts slit at the sides. Jackets that come with three pairs of pockets or two sets of lapels seem typical of a designer whose life and work is conducted at high speed and encompasses many collections each year for three big fashion labels: his own, Chanel and Fendi in Rome.

Par pvccorsets le lundi 11 juillet 2011


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